Wednesday 4 July 2007

Still the cheapest

Since my previous post about the price change, there wasn't any. We're still at $2. AT such a place where no one much comes, i figured it would be still possible to stay at that rate. And even cheaper. But if i go other places (which very soon i will) i might have to increase the price. But not much, i promise i will try my very best to not charge at an unreasonable rate. Unless you (like some of my clients) want to give me some extra tips (so i can get a nice lunch :D ) then it would be fine. So now i am still stuck at $2.
Please do check back for there are going to be some promos and etc. Just self made my name card. Am going to upload it soon so you know where to contact me. Then i already made my brochure but haven't print it yet. That brochure is for people who have never came to me before. And then i am going to create another one after that. One for people who have already came to me. Again leading them to this site. I don't intent to spam people with e-mails. I hate spam so i won't do that. Everything is on this site.
There will soon be an about me page, which includes my resume and etc. That is where my name card will also be. I don't know if i would put a photo (not hot enough!!) but i might. I will also say that i am available for events and etc because i am. There will also be a disclaimer page, i don't know why but there might be. So like i said, there will be alot of updates and fun stuff. Please do check back.
I am so going to do this full time. I don't have time for myself or anything now. I am devoted to this and making this happen because everything is pointing me to this direction. Yatta to my powers!!
Do check back again, there will be a promo happening that would be awsomely fun! You won't regret it.
Peace people.

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