Sunday 15 July 2007

Lime @ Scape

My god was it great! We had such fun @ Scape last sat that we wish we could go again. I went with my bro and made him sole some of the stuff from my mom's place. Obviously, i did my tarot reading.
It was fun really. Unfortunately we were only day for a day :p And the worse part is that my brochure finish less then half of the day. I can see someone vote, thank you very much for voting. I wish to go there more often but obviously we had to pack as it was too dark.
Have some photos, really wish to go again.
Now we're back at east coast. I so wanna go somewhere else better. I will find a better place.
Best of luck to us eh?
Enjoy the photos.

This was where near i did my thing. Really cool stuff happening.

This is my self made lousy economical sign. You can see my brother spying behind my sign if you look closely.

This is my brother standing outside our tent. It is very small, it is shared by two owners so we squeezed. There you can see my sign.

This is the stuff we sole from my mom's push cart. Just needed to sell them off. Sales was okay, could have been better. We did had great discounts.

This were some of the stuff next to me. I had small space, poor me :(

That's about it really. Do check back for our latest promos and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi! How did you apply for the space? can you email me at