Wednesday 9 January 2008

Push cart for a week

I managed to get a rental for a week at a push cart near national library.
Tarot reading of both angel and rider waite available.

Jan 21 - 25
11am -8pm daily
Outside Central National Library main entrance (near Bugis mrt)
$5 for Rider Waite deck
$3 for Angel oracle deck

So you have more days to come down and see me if you're unable to make it on the 26th at Orchard. If you have been dying to try for reasonable, enlightening and an interesting helpful reading, this is your chance. I am going to continue studies this year. So i'm not sure if i'm able to find free time any other then this. This is your chance to try a reading from me. You have a week, this is the longest then any before. For such a long time, i've not found a place for this long period of time. If i can find longer (and affordable) i would. Do take this opportunity to come down and give this a short.
So remember. It's the whole week.

Jan 21 - 25
11am - 8pm
Outside National Lib

Jan 26
1 pm - 7 pm
Youth park, near cineleisure

Jog this down so you have the whole week to come and meet me! Hope to see you during that week!

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