Tuesday 29 January 2008

Back to the past

Believe it or not, i would be booking a pushcart at east coast beach this chinese new year! Yes! That's where i started originally! Gosh, it definitely would bring back memories. And the crowd there during that time is not bad at all! I miss the atmosphere.
If things goes well and if it is possible, i might go there every weekend or so.
So yeah, keep a lookout for me at that area.
It's near marine cove. There's a mac donalds, everybody knows. At the end of the row near the carnival, that's where the push carts are. I might be in one of them. I will update this post as i find out more details for now we are on arranging mode. But this is what we know for now.

Chinese new year madness!! YAY! To rat year!

Marine cove @ east coast beach
One of the Push cart, you can surely see my sign board.
Tarot reading.
6 Feb to 10 Feb 2008
I will be there the whole day. Come after lunch is the best time. Usually finish about 10pm plus. Depending on the traffic flow.
$5 for international (rider-waite) deck
$3 for angel oracle reading.

So do come down during that week, i'll be there and would be excited to see you as well!
Have a happy and great chinese new year everybody!

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