Wednesday 7 November 2007

Out of time

Hey people,
Apologies for i have been out of time lately and not able to use the net much although i have been sleep deprived. I have been too busy lately with other stuff. That does not mean i've forgotten about my tarot.
I will update here when i know where i would be next and personally email some who have asked.
Now i remember i was supposed to talk about my theatre thing.
But it's too late. Tickets are already selling out speedily and there might not be enough space by tomorrow. Well, today actually. Which is Deepavali and i just realised that (lol)
Happy Deepavali to hindus anyway! :D
Please invite me for curry next time. I'm Deepavali deprived!
Back to the story anyway. So yeah, all the best to me then.
Apologies for not telling you.

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