Saturday 9 June 2007

In demand!

I'm going to establish myself if i can. I am told that i should take a course and have a cert so it would be better but i wonder where i can go for a course like that! LOL! Well, i would if i have the money.
Looks like i am going to start working again so times may change. I will really miss the cart. Because i might be too exhausted to come there after work but i will try to come as much as i can. I am in demand now. People are looking for me. I am told that i would go for events. Of course if i go anywhere, i would update here. Esp where you can find me. But of course for now, i am at east coast park, marine cove. There's a link saying where you can find me and all.
I want to locate myself properly. People asked me to go to their house but i am not sure if i would do that. That kinda scares me. My mom said she wanted to come with me. But it's all ladies so i am not that frightened by the thought. Besides the fact that i might have to do this more unless i have my own shop. I am afraid of opening a shop, esp in singapore. It's too expensive here. I might do it in malaysia though i suppose my singapore clients will miss me.
I am told that i would be allowed to host a space booth @ Scape, next month 14 jul. I will give more info of that soon and see if it is possible and successful. Then i will tell you the event. I hope i can take off that day and do my tarot reading there. Unfortunately, to pay the rent, my price have to be increased up to $5. Do understand this for i am not charging so much.
Can you believe some people find $2 (my current price in my current cart - east coast) expensive? How crazy can that be? I heard from one of my clients recently that there's this place in serangoon that charges $50 for an hour. I don't do that! I offer such a low price because i want to reach to everybody. I don't judge you by your appearances unlike some tarot readers who i have been to before. I don't have a target audience. I've read for people of all ages. I don't want to charge as high as those people. But sometimes i suppose there is no choice for i have to cover the rent. But i will try my very best to make my price as reasonable as i can. Of course if i have more clients, i can cover the rent.
I am so going to make a name card. My guest book is getting messy. I love that. I appreciate if you want to write your comments here. Please do! Thank you very much.
I might make a my space thing for myself.


Anonymous said...

hi there! i went to your stall on the 19th, im very impressed by your attitude and the way you explain the connections between the cards. Thou there may be skeptics, but i urge you to continue what you are doing,there are ppl like me who became interested in the cards after meeting you.

ps:i tot $2 is alrdy a all time low..thanks for making it affordable.:)

HikariTenrai said...

Hey, thanks for coming down and leaving a comment for me! Let me just say that you are the first. And yes, i will continue, helping people.