Saturday 7 June 2008

Next flea market

Okay, so i will be updating soon. I will have a flea market on the 15th june 2008 at Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun, the house club. Near clark quey mrt station (NEL)
Prices are still the same, $5 per reading.
No angel tarot (until my powers develop lol)
The best time is to come after 4pm :)
I will be there till about 9 (or so)
So come down and look for me!
Ps, my HP no is changed (student plan haha)
So if you want my number, please e-mail me and i will pass it to you. I won't put it up here for i might have stalkers YIKES!
Okay, will be spamming most of you soon :)

Remember, my new e-mail is spamless: <-- Email me here now :D

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