Sunday 3 February 2008

Upcoming Events

Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun won't officially start until 4pm. Apologies for the mix up. Thank you.

I know i am posting this twice but this is the updated version and more info. Since there have been quite a lot of posts lately that i am revamping this website and everything else. I hope this post will be clearer for those interested in coming.

Temp Push cart Marine cove @ East coast
Near mac donalds.
6 to 10 February
I will be there the whole day. After lunch to 10pm is the best time.

Riverwalk @ Clark quey.
Near Clark quey mrt.
16 February.
4 to 10pm

Prices will be the same for both.
$5 - International deck
$3 - Angel deck

Valentine's day promo is available for both events and any others that may fall in between the days. Tell everyone about this great news.

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