Sunday 2 December 2007

Zouk out

Imagine me there at Zouk out... Cos it's true. I will be there! Doing tarot reading! :D Overnight!!
And for the first time, i have to apologise but this is what they wanted. Not what i wanted.
Each reading will have to be charge (under their requirement) at least $10 but don't worry, it will take at least 15 mins.

Zouk Out
$2 entry (or more) fee to Sentosa
$50+ entry fee to Zouk out
Siloso beach
$10 per reading

The price might change to something higher, at least $15. I will keep this the limit for now.
Another good news anyway, i MIGHT offer Angel tarot reading this sat or next. Yeah, I can do Angel reading but not YET! I DO have another confirmed flea market by the way next week, so look out for more updates. I will e-mail you guys for that.
I will edit and write more when i get more info if i do.

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